Examples of Copywriting & Editing

My skill set includes copywriting, creative writing, creative messaging, and copy editing. I have mastered the art of Brand Messaging; Content Writing; Employee Communications; Corporate Communications; Broadcast, Radio, TV, and VSL Script Writing; Keyword and Content Strategies; Website Content; Social Media Planning and Content; Brand Strategy and Positioning; Buyer Persona and Consumer Modeling; Direct Response; Campaigns and Promotion Strategies and Headlines; and more.


Blog Article: Created for IDealogic Brand Lab. I have written many blog articles but this is one of my favorites. Feel free to explore the blog to check out other articles that I have written and/or edited for publication: https://idealogicbrandlab.com/brands-becoming-iconic-start-from-within/

Email Nurturing Funnel: Created for a client in corporate telecom services, this email nurturing funnel guides new customers through the client's TEM process. Click here to view on Google Drive.

PowerPoint Sales Presentations:

  • Created for the corporate telecom services client's new business development department: Click to view

  • Created for the real estate app developer to present to new prospects: Click to view

Digital Sales Collateral: Created for the corporate telecom services client to help account managers upsell services: Click to view

Social Posts: Created for the real estate app developer's social platforms to use for promoting app launch: Click to view

Product Naming & Descriptions:

Creative Writing & Messaging

Unique Selling Propositions:

  • Join U.S.: The U.S.P. Join U.S. is used as a singular, overarching brand campaign designed to facilitate a movement. It embodies what the organization stands for and serves as an invitation for likeminded individuals to join the client community.

  • We Ensure: A high priority for this insurance brokerage was providing clients an easy, carefree experience. This U.S.P. combines the brand’s business of insurance with its promise to meet clients’ needs.

  • Dealflow for the On-the-Go Pro: Created for the app developed by RealtyTek. The app was created specifically for real estate sales professionals looking for a better way to manage the search process. Their client-focused, on the go digital sales tool is built around the way realtors do business. The easy-to-use platform delivers highly organized workflow and an elevated customer experience.

Creative Headlines:

For an IT Firm:

  • HospITality: Fully Managed IT Services for the Modern Country Club Environment

  • We are IT: Your Strategic, One-Stop IT Partner

For a Rail Industry Provider:

  • Dependable Rail Solutions to Keep You On Track

  • It's a Freight Day to List Your Railcars

For an Engineering Manufacturer and Distributor:

  • Intelligent Horsepower: Leading the Charge

  • Industrial Power at its Prime: Reliability to the Core

  • Downtime Stops Here: Getting You Back Up to Speed in No Time

  • Your Convenient One-Stop-Marine-Shop: We'll Get You Shaped Up So You Can Ship Out

  • Keeping Downtime to a Minimum So You Can Enjoy Down Time to a Maximum

For a Year-Round Christmas Bakery:

  • Sweet! Just BeClaus!

Editing & Proofing

Neuromarketing Blog Article Segment BEFORE EDITS:

As a marketing leader, are you struggling to understand why consumers purchase from (or avoid) your brand? Strategies such as focus groups and surveys can only go so far to help you better understand consumer preference and wants.

Neuromarketing is often defined as the future of marketing because it works to understand the subconscious behaviors of today’s consumers. It’s becoming more and more apparent that subconscious behavior is the key to understanding the true needs and desires of your consumers.

In this article, we’ll break down the burning questions behind what is neuromarketing, what tools and techniques are used for it, why it’s important, and how it can change the future of marketing.

Neuromarketing Blog Article Segment AFTER EDITS:

How do you best understand why consumers choose your brand versus a competitor’s (or vice versa)? Research tools such as focus groups, interviews, and surveys provide unique and helpful insights. Yet each have limitations that prevent us from obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the behaviors, needs, and preferences that influence the consumer decision-making process.

Neuromarketing is often defined as the future of marketing because it works to understand the subconscious behaviors of consumers. It’s becoming more and more apparent that this plays a key role in our ability to understand and discover underlying consumer needs, wants, motivations, and preferences.

In this article, we’ll answer the burning questions behind neuromarketing, such as:

What exactly is neuromarketing?

What tools and techniques are used for neuromarketing?

Why is neuromarketing so important?

Is it a trendy buzzword, or is neuromarketing changing the future of marketing?